Tuesday, November 2, 2010

See you later alligator, after 'while crocodile

My oh my what a morning! With 3 people getting to bed late it was an early morning. Adam and Erin getting in late from the Quarter and Mark staying up late reading cause he couldn't sleep with the Harley Davidson in his ear that was the snoring from Daaaaa Bearssss...

So everyone was a little on edge in the morning as we drove around trying to find Cafe Du Monde...which once we found saw there was a half mile long line and thus a quick change of plan was needed so we could get to the Swamp Tour. We ultimately decided to get closer to the tour location and just eat somewhere around there....so the amaaaazing delicatessen known to the world as....Shoney's....that's right....the AYCE buffet known for causing massive gastrointestinal problems in all it's patrons was the source of "nourishment" of choice for the hungry ligers....in hind sight not the best idea before a 2 hour long tour taking place in an alligator/croc filled swamp on a rickety boat...but I digress. Going down the food wasn't "terrible" per say...the french toast sticks and bacon were actually quite good. So after our bellies were full and the billing issues sorted out, cause employees at Shoney's apparently can't split a check without over charging on 2 of the bills and spending 15 minutes figuring out how they triple charged someone.

But enough on breakfast...that's not what you are here to read about....is it? You want to know why I'm talking about alligators and crocodiles....well here is why I'm talking about them...

Yes...that is exactly what it looks like....It *IS* a crazy ass cajun who is out of is fraking gourd trying to feed his hand to an alligator all so he can drag it kicking and screaming on to the boat by the mouth. That's right boys and girls, the Ligers went on a crocodile and alligator hunting swamp tour. What does our senior crocodile and alligator hunting correspondent, Courtney, on location think about them?

"I like them!"

And what do you like about them?

"They eat like this! AAAHHH!!!"

That's...a lovely impersonation there court....
"Don't make me come over there."
"Ahhhhhh SNAP!"

Whoa! ok Court...you win....they eat like that...
At any rate we got to see some crocs and alligators up close which was kinda nifty. It certainly did keep us all on edge, as displayed here as Ann(e), Erin, and Adam all keep a fearful watch out for a giant swamp monster to devour the boat.


Will the Ligers survive the monster croc?! Will Batman arrive in time to stop court from buying a pair of crocs?! Tune in later! Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Blog!!!! DUNT DUNT DUNNNNN!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's like you don't even know me! Style before comfort dude,I will never own a pair of crocs! haha
